Study Guide

Sustainable Food Supply

What is Sustainable Development?


Key questions that will be answered…..


What is the global pattern of food consumption?

·        Which areas of the world have a low calorie intake per person?

·        Which areas of the world have a high calorie intake per person?

·        Why do patterns of high and low calorie consumption exist?

·        What health problems can arise as a result of poor diet? (Obesity, Famine)


What factors promote or hinder food production?

·        Physical Factors (climate and seasonality, soils, relief, natural hazards)

·        Economic Factors (subsistence vs commercial agriculture – prices, subsides, tariffs, trade, consumer demand)

·        Political Factors (Trade Blocs (CAP), civil unrest, conservation, restrictions on products)

·        Technological Factors (mechanisation, irrigation, genetic engineering, agrochemicals, infrastructure- polytunnels)


How can food production be sustainably increased?

·        What methods can be used to increase food production? (Mauritius)

·        What is the Blue Revolution?  Explain its advantages and disadvantages.

·        What are Hydroponics and Aeroponics?  What are the advantages and disadvantages of these methods?

·        Outlines the costs and benefits of Genetic Modification (GM foods, Monsanto)

·        How did the Green Revolution (miracle rice, HYVs, IR8) and the Second Green Revolution impact on food production?  Were these methods successful?

·        Explain the pros and cons of organic farming.


Can food supply be sustainably managed?

·        Can the global population continue to grow and be fed adequately in the future?

·        Can high-tech agricultural methods solve the global imbalance in food production and consumption?

·        Is it more important to produce more food, or to distribute food more equally?

·        Who are the winners and losers in the global food production system?

·        Which factor(s) are more important in the global production and consumption of food?

·        Would demographic strategies (population control, healthier lifestyles) go some way to solving the problem of the imbalance of food production and consumption?


Key terms…Calorie Intake obesity            famine            malnutrition         GM foods    food miles            Monsanto       Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)            Blue Revolution    Hydroponics                        Aeroponics      Green Revolution                WTO               Sahel           Organic Farming          Desertification