Unit G1 - Fieldwork Exercise
The Alderbrook River
Exam Questions
Question 3(c) will be a 10 mark question based on the fieldwork you have undertaken along the Alderbrook River, Solihull.
May 2009
Discuss the main conclusions of an investigation into a changing physical environment that you have undertaken.
You should state clearly the question that you have investigated (10 marks)
January 2009
Evaluate the methods you used to collect data in an investigation into a changing physical environment.
You should state clearly the question that you have investigated (10 marks)
Sample Questions
Discuss the importance of obtaining accurate and reliable data for an investigation into a changing physical environment that you have carried out.
You should state clearly the question that you have investigated (10 marks)
Suggest the primary and secondary information that needs to be collected in order to investigate a changing physical environment that you have studied.
You should state clearly the question that you have investigated (10 marks)
Discuss how sampling techniques can be used to reduce bias during an investigation into a changing physical environment that you have carried out.
You should state clearly the question that you have investigated (10 marks)
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the methods of depicting and analysing data that you used during an investigation into a changing physical environment that you have carried out.
You should state clearly the question that you have investigated (10 marks)
State the conclusions of an investigation into a changing physical environment that you have carried out. Explain how the use of statistical tests has supported these conclusions.
You should state clearly the question that you have investigated (10 marks)
For an investigation into a changing physical environment that you have carried out, explain why further research may be necessary in order to draw more reliable conclusions.
You should state clearly the question that you have investigated (10 marks)
Discuss the reliability of the conclusions that have been drawn for an investigation into a changing physical environment that you have carried out. |