Globalisation - Sample Essays


Here are the sample essays for globalisation - there are also model answers as examples of good practise.



1. Outline the factors which have led to the increasing globalisation of the world economy and assess the social effects this has had in LEDCs.


Click here for the sample answer for Question 1.



2. Assess the impacts of globalisation of economic activity on LEDCs.


Click here for the sample answer for Question 2.



3. Compare and contrast the effects of globalisation of economic activity on MEDCs and LEDCs.


Click here for the sample answer for Question 3.



4. Who are the winners and losers in economic globalisation?


Click here for the sample answer for Question 4.



5. Examine the Development Pathway of Globalisation.



6. How have the causes of Globalisation Changed over time.



7. Examine the major Impacts of Globalisation in MEDC’s  (include NIC’s)



8. Examine the major Impacts of Globalisation in LEDC’s  (include RIC’s and LDC’s)



9.Explain the changes to Global economic activity.



10. Examine why Globalisation has not be successful for all countries.



11. Examine why Globalisation has been more successful in some countries.